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Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays! Outer Banks Fishing this winter has been fun! The small stripers have shown a rebound and ever one seems to be enjoying the fishery! Live action! The sounds have been abundant with schoolie sized stripers. These fish have been landed by casting and trolling small jigs and lures! Sizes have been in the 16-25 inch range. Fish have to been over 18 to put on ice. There has been a plethora of aggresive undersized stripers will to take a bait. Heck I even got em on the fly! This bodes well for the Outer Banks winter fishing in 2016! We have been using soft plastic paddle tailed lures primarily in chartreuse and white. (meathog fishing) Quarter to one once seem to be the preferred weights. Light spinning rods with line in the 6-12 lb range seem to be perfect for the day. Guys have been landing them as well trolling jigs with in line sinkers. The ride to the fishing spots have been minimal and calmer than the ocean trips. An angler may keep two fish over 18 inches as of Jan 1. portal.ncdenr.org/…/rec… Regs can change quickly due to quota limitations so check em out to keep up!
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The big ocean run stripers we really have not seen any trophy sized fish around the Oregon Inlet area now for over five or more winters. We used to pander around the inlet bridge pilings and find a few studs or get out in the schools of bunker in the ocean and troll up some behemoths. Maybe trophies will rebound and make a showing in the near future. Until then we have fun action in our sounds and estuaries along the Outer Banks. So come on grab a cooler, a camera, a friend, and come striper fishing!
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